打气球游戏项目包|Crusher Balloons v2.7
打气球游戏项目包下载|Crusher Balloons v2.7
Wanting a Mobile game? This packa...
UNITY3D卡通人物模型包下载,可在UNTITY3D3 5及以上版本中打开,包括贴图和相关动画。Requires Unity 3 5 0 or higher This model is rigged with Maya 2013 and has 23 animations It is als
中世纪乡村场景游戏模型包|Medieval Village
中世纪乡村游戏模型包|Medieval Village该乡村游戏模型包包括多种格式文件,比如支持U3D的模型包通用DAE格式模型包,和其它通用模型包。包含完整的材质、场景、模型、室内环境和其他设定,可直接用于游戏开发设
UNITY3D舰船游戏包|Ship Game Starter Kit
UNITY3D舰船游戏包|Ship Game Starter KitTwo game modes: Strategy mode (tycoon) and Exploration mode (pirates) Flexible combat system (attach any number of cannons on your ship
骑士卡通人物UNITY3D模型包下载,包括材质贴图和动画,要求UNITY3D3 5或更高版本。Animations:- idle- idle2- idle3- run- walk- jump- jumpfall- jumpland- death- casting- attack- attackSlash-
中世纪自然环境3D模型包|Medieval Environment Pack
U3D游戏开发自然环境模型包包括70个中世纪建筑模型和其他各种游戏模型An extensive package containing tons of prefabs ideal for creating medieval environment, fantasy scenery and more A
UNITY3D卡通模型包,包括椅子、骷髅等模型。a professional touch to your game project with these low poly, hand painted dungeon deco objects You should find these items easy to